Takeover post from: Bryony Gillard
Jamboree helped me link up with artists outside the south west and in general was such an amazing breath of fresh air. I really feel like we need something like this regularly to get artists together and to talk about how we can work together with more solidarity.
As a result of meeting at Jamboree, artist Grace Denton @somethinggrace invited me to Newcastle in 2018 to lead a workshop, funded by The Newbridge Project @newbridgeproject and to screen a film at Northern Charter @northerncharter as part of Craig Pollard’s @ccccompetition Wyld Pop programme @wyldpop . Grace was a brilliant host & guide to the city & I was really blown away by the energy of the artist-led scene, so I kept my eye out for future opportunities to return.
I was selected in 2019 to present a performance as part of the incredible PROJECTIONS programme @projectionstyneside curated by Adam Pugh @adamopugh & Tess Denman-Cleaver @tessd_c . For the performance, Harmonic Anatomies, I collaborated with 3 amazing artists from Grace’s immediate social circle – Heather Bonnie Reid, @heatherbonniereid Rene Francis-McBrearty @_wren.knee_ & Sarah Rose Bird @_birdbrains (all of whom I met briefly on my 2018 trip – seeing Rene’s amazing exhib at The Newbridge Project & Sarah’s performance at Wyldpop) alongside two of my long-term collaborators, Danni Spooner and Maggie Nicols. Maggie has over 50 years of experience of vocal improvisation and workshop facilitation, & the day after the performance, Northern Charter hosted a workshop for artists with Maggie, which was a wonderful way to meet more practitioners and for Maggie to share her incredible skills.
I also met the wonderful artist Carly Seller @carlyseller at Jamboree by attending her morning yoga sessions. Carly approached me to be earlier this year to be her mentor via CAMP and it’s been a really rewarding experience getting to know her practice and helping her think about her next steps.