Takeover post from: Sara Hayes
I’m Sara Hayes, founder of The Public Art Company (@thepublicartcompany). I create works in the public domain which inspire engagement and discussion. With a catalogue of walking trails project managed and designed, I deliver both permanent trails and experiential walking art. Working within communities, I support groups to create and market events. Using a variety of techniques and media, my work is unified by its social nature and environmental principals.
In October 2019 I created ‘Engaging Communities Though Walking Art’ as part of #Walk21 conference (@walk21network). The project was a Walkshop created from the UK and delivered in Rotterdam, investigating community run/arts spaces in the city, of which there are many, through walking and art.
What I loved about Jamboree was the inclusionary nature of the event, how everyone could contribute large or small on a level playing field, and take joy in discovery through arts and walking – this ethos was reflected in the Rotterdam walk as the participants only connection was their interest in walking. They were from all corners of the globe, and none of them artists. Art based tasks en route enabled quick formation of a cohesive group, ‘a community.’
Whilst at Jamboree I was fascinated by the many ways used to engage with the attendees, my ‘street art wall’ takes direct inspiration from this!
Image Credits: Sara Hayes , Rowena Macaulay, @janeswalkcolch & @nikki_hazelton